Dr. Jinhee Park Presents this FREE training… 

The 5 Step Game Plan for High-Achieving Entrepreneurs and Professionals to Holistically Recover From Low Back Pain and Get Their Life Back...

Without Pharmaceuticals, Pain Management Procedures or Dangerous Back Surgery!

NOW is exactly the right time for more virtual health care professionals

Dr. Jinhee Park
Integrative Medicine Physician / Health & Fitness Consultant
Dr. Park shares how she helps high-achievers go from always in pain, feeling old and fearful, and missing out on life...

....to pain-free and fully mobile, being more productive, feeling younger, vibrant, empowered and loving life!.  

Dr. Park overcame her own debilitating persistent low back pain through a holistic medicine approach. She has now helped many others do the same using this system. 

You're about to discover the secrets of how to holistically heal chronic low back pain and optimize fitness and energy without the pain of depending on Pharmaceuticals, Pain Management Procedures or Back Surgery.

Register today for this free, live training.

Join Us LIVE:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

April 19th, 2022 (Tue) 6pm PST

Dr. Isaac Jones
7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach
I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 
Time left until next webinar
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
February 17th, 2020
at 8pm EST
Dr. Isaac Jones
7-Figure Virtual Practice Coach
I’ve built a 7-figure, virtual practice that gave me the lifestyle of my dreams. I teach doctors and health experts how to generate 6-7 figures per year in sales with a virtual practice. 
Here's What You'll Discover...
  • ​What most doctors get WRONG about chronic low back pain, and discover the REAL underlying causes of it keeping you in a cycle of increasing pain.
  • ​​Why full recovery from low back injury is possible even if most doctors have said otherwise.  
  • ​​Why conventional medical approach with pharmaceuticals, pain procedures and surgeries are mere band-aids that won't work for long-term health.
  • ​The fatal costs of putting off fully healing your lower back pain immediately, instead of years down the road when it's too late.
  • ​The 6 Fundamentals of holistically healing: A Step-by-step comprehensive approach to transforming one's life towards long-term health and weaning off of medications, pain management procedures AVOIDING BACK SURGERY!
So if you're serious about 
fully overcoming your back pain so you can feel
 more productive, younger, more vibrant, empowered and loving life!

...without taking pain killer medications, getting pain management procedures or getting back surgery.

Then it's time:
Register now for this special live event with Dr. Park that will show you exactly how.

WARNING: Space is limited and these LIVE trainings always fill up because they are significantly better than the information others charge you thousands for... even though they are free.

This one will be no exception. So claim your spot now!

Testimonials from Dr. Park's Training


"The customized therapies prescribed by Dr. Park seem to be helping me get stronger and feeling pain-free."


"Working with Dr. Park was such a “life-saver”!"


"My low back pain has gotten much better!  Thank you!"

Meet Dr. Jinhee Park

Dr. Jinhee Park is an Integrative Medicine Physician who graduated from the Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine Fellowship Program and a Certified Practitioner of the Institute for Functional Medicine as well as a Certified Yoga Teacher and a Certified Personal Trainer. 

She uses her expertise in functional medicine, mind-body medicine, nutrition, acupuncture, herbal medicine and yoga as first line treatments to bring back balance to the diseased body and mind of her clients. 

Dr. Park overcame a debilitating persistent low back pain through holistic medicine approach and has helped numerous other low back pain patients do the same using the same system. 

Dr. Park focuses on helping high-achieving professionals and entrepreneurs optimize their health so they can live up to their fullest potential in their business and relationships.

​This is a FREE Webclass.

There Are No Costs, But Time Is Very Limited. 

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